Friday 3 October 2014

Complete A Half Marathon With Minimal Training

Preparation and training can help you finish a half marathon.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced runner, training for a race can be challenging and requires dedication. A half marathon is 13.2 miles and preparing for it can take nine to 12 weeks. One of the best predictors of success is to establish a training program and work gradually towards race day.


1. Follow a specific training regimen. For best results, focus on four pillars: rest, easy runs, long runs and speedwork. This will get you ready in a minimal amount of time. Rest in between runs. Never forget that the body requires recovery time in order for you to stay as healthy as possible and complete your training. Short and long runs allow you run regularly, mixing in runs of more difficulty and challenging length. Speed work consists of bursts of short distance runs aimed at increasing cardio strength, and the mental toughness it takes to push through training discomfort.

2. Run every other day during a seven-day period and close out your week with two back to back runs. The first run of your week should be no less than two miles and the runs later in the week should be longer. Aim for one- to three-mile increases and make your last run of the week four to six miles longer.

3. Increase your weekly miles as training weeks pass. This should be gradual. Add one to two miles onto your Day 1 run every two weeks. For the rest of your weekly runs, use the rate of increase as described in Step 2. You should be running three to four miles on your first run and nine to 10 miles on your weekly long run before you are ready for the race.

4. Integrate the burst exercises on your short run days. Begin with a minimum of four to seven one-minute bursts of running as fast as you can. As you did with your runs, gradually increase over the weeks and try to work towards two- to three-minute bursts by race time. Do these extra workouts no more than two days a week and always complete them after your distance runs.

Tags: your weekly, distance runs, four miles, half marathon, long runs, miles your, week should