Wednesday 10 September 2014

Carry Weights When Walking

Fitness experts are divided on the wisdom of walking with free weights. Proponents insist that using weights while walking is an efficient way to tone muscle and increase calorie burn by up to 7 percent during cardiovascular workouts. However, many fitness trainers caution that too much weight, improper use of weights or poor walking form can put walkers at high risk for injury. If you're still convinced that walking with weights is right for you and that you can do it safely, start with very light weights and follow a few safety rules to avoid getting hurt.


1. Wear comfortable shoes specifically designed for walking.

2. Warm up with a 5 minute walk and a few stretches.

3. Grasp one free weight in each hand, gripping just firmly enough to avoid dropping the weights. Avoid hard squeezing of the weight. If you have difficulty mastering the proper grip, strap on wrist weights instead.

4. Stand tall and straight with your eyes focused directly ahead of you, not down at the ground.

5. Walk at a comfortable pace, slightly slower than you would without weights. Concentrate on maintaining and erect posture and good walking form, rather than on speed.

6. Keep shoulders relaxed; do not raise your shoulders. Swing your arms slightly so that your fist is no higher than shoulder height on the upswing and no farther than your waist on the backswing.

7. Cool down for 5 minutes without the weights. Stretch all muscle groups gently and thoroughly.

Tags: walking form, walking with, without weights