Wednesday 17 September 2014

Enhance Your Workout With Running Socks

Compression socks can enhance running performance.

Running socks, also called compression socks, are designed to enhance running performance as well as to benefit medical patients. Compression socks, known medically as thromboembolic deterrent socks, are meant to increase healthy blood flow to and from the extremities. They also allow oxygen to reach the leg muscles easily and reduce the chance of lactic buildup, which causes muscle cramps and sometimes muscle damage. Running socks can be used during runs to enhance muscle strength or after running to repair slight muscle damage and to restore healthy lactic acid rates.


1. Choose a pair of compression socks that fit. Compression socks should snugly fit your legs, calves and feet but should not be so tight that you experience any sort of numbness, pain or discomfort.

2. Clear the skin of any excessive moisturizers. Moisturizers, while generally healthy for skin, may interact negatively with the materials used to make compression or running socks. Moisturizing in general is fine, but doing so just before wearing the socks should be avoided.

3. Stretch. Compression socks are designed to increase blood flow and to reduce the risk of cramps and muscle injury. Stretching has a similar effect and combining thorough stretching with the compression socks will enhance running performance.

4. Avoid unnecessary jewelry. The benefits of compression socks are reduced when they are ripped or torn or if the fibers are loosened. Running with jewelry on increases the chance of a tear or tug on the socks.

5. Wear protection over the socks if necessary. If you are running along sidewalks or at the gym, the socks may not need protection. But if you are hiking through the woods or in any place that may damage the socks, you may want to consider wearing protective pants over the socks to prevent tearing or snagging.

Tags: enhance running, enhance running performance, running performance, blood flow, Compression socks