Wednesday 16 December 2015

Calculate A Jog Stride

Jog a longer distance to get a more accurate stride calculation.

Everyone jogs at a different speed based on their height, body type and running capabilities. One of the main reasons a jogger might be interested in his or her stride length is so he or she can use a pedometer. Pedometers are walking/jogging devices that count how many steps you take and convert your steps to miles or kilometers, allowing you to know how far you have traveled. However, in order for a pedometer to accurately calculate distance, you must correctly input your stride length. Calculating your stride length is a very simple process that involves running 20 to 30 steps.


1. Jog on a treadmill or outdoors at your usual pace (if jogging outdoors, make sure to mark your starting point). As you jog, count your steps until you have taken 20 or 30 paces --- the more paces you take the more accurate your stride calculation will be.

2. Measure the distance you have covered. If you are on a treadmill, check the distance on the display. If you are running outdoors, use a measuring tape to measure the distance you covered.

3. Divide the distance you covered by the number of paces you took to find out your stride length.

Tags: stride length, your stride, your stride length, distance covered, more accurate, stride calculation, your steps