Build a balanced physique for best results.
With a little hard work and dedication it is possible to achieve significant strength and muscle gains in just 16 weeks. However, an effective weights training regime is just one element; you must tailor your diet and other parts of your lifestyle towards achieving your dream body. But remember, a healthy, powerful physique is a balanced physique -- and what's more it is far more aesthetically pleasing. For the best results, exercise every muscle group in your body -- who wants a super-hero upper body with legs that look like they struggle to carry it?
1. Create a training program. Training sessions should be intense, working one or two muscle groups until overload. For hypertrophy (increased muscle size), perform 8 to 12 reps and 3 to 5 sets of each exercise. Choose a weight sufficient so your last rep in each set is to failure. Use free weights. Free weights force you to engage your core and postural muscles and promote greater gains. Allow at least 3 days before exercising the same muscle groups and give your body a minimum of two recovery days per week.
2. Cycle your program every 4 to 6 weeks. Keep your muscles guessing by creating a whole new exercise plan. This will prevent the muscles from adapting, resulting in a plateau in strength and size.
3. Adapt your diet. It is recommended to consume 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight every day. Proteins aid recovery and repair of damaged muscle and connective tissue. To ensure you are getting enough proteins in your diet, drink a whey protein shake post-workout and before you sleep. You should also eat complex carbohydrates to keep your body fueled and fibers for healthy digestion and proper insulin response.
4. Sleep for at least 8 hours per night. The majority of tissue repair occurs while you sleep. It is not uncommon for professional athletes and bodybuilders to sleep for up to 16 hours each day. Drink a protein shake before bed to fuel your muscles for recovery.
5. Keep motivated. Without motivation you will inevitably fall at the first hurdle. Train with a fitness professional or a training partner to keep you on track. Keeping a fitness journal along with before and after photos is also a great motivational tool and will show you your progress towards achieving a bulging upper body.
Tags: your body, your diet, balanced physique, best results, muscle groups