Thursday 3 September 2015

Do Mandatory Poses For Amateur Figure Competition

A beautiful smile is essential while posing.

There are four mandatory poses in a figure competition. Along with the four poses are quarter-turns where you transition from one pose to the next, giving the judges a 180-degree view of your body. Showing proper form for poses and turns, you'll give the judges what they want, accentuate the beauty of your physique and highlight all your hard work.


Posing and Turns

1. The front pose is performed by facing the judges straight on, heels together, quads flexed as hard as you can. Your abs should be tight and your breathing shallow, blowing air out as much as possible, to show off your six-pack. Keep your chest high, lats spread, shoulders wide without hunching forward or scrunching them together in the back. Your biceps and triceps should be flexed and tight, but your hands and fingers must hang loose and relaxed. There should be just a small bend in the elbow, palms facing each other, hands at hip level and slightly in front of the body. Most importantly, you must smile at all times, keeping your chin up, relaxing your neck so that posing looks effortless.

2. When the judge announces, "Quarter turn to the right," step forward with your left foot while pivoting your right. Shift the weight to your right foot and slide your left foot over to the right until your heels are touching. Once you get comfortable with the turn, you can add some flare by swinging your hips and arms gracefully.

3. The right side pose and the left side pose are performed the same way. In the amateur ranks, the side pose is done with feet together, head facing the side and no twisting of the torso. Flex your legs hard, arch your back and stick your butt up and out, but stand up straight and don't bend forward at the waist. Your abs are tight, chest is high and shoulders wide. Flex your biceps and triceps, keeping a small bend in the elbow, hands at your sides. Chin up and smile. The judges can still see the side of your face, so smile!

4. Facing the rear of the stage, sweep your hair over your shoulder and off your back as your spread your lats and shoulders wide. You can relax your smile momentarily and take a few deep breaths, but keep your head high and chin up. Arch your back so that your butt is up and out, legs are flexed and heels together. Your arms are flexed with a small bend in the elbow, hands slightly in front of the body.

Tags: bend elbow, shoulders wide, side pose, small bend, small bend elbow, your back, bend elbow hands