A garden hose showing hose bib connections at both ends.
The term "hose bib" is a generic term covering boiler drains, wall faucets, wall hydrants and sillcocks, the name plumbers use for a faucet mounted on an exterior wall. A sillcock or wall faucet is a common source of water for lawns and gardens. A sillcock has a 3/4-inch threaded exterior. This is the male part of the hose bib connection. The female connection has matching interior threads and screws over the male threads. Lengths of hoses are similarly connected by hose bibs. A garden hose typically has a male connection on one end and a female connection on the other. Does this Spark an idea?
1. A hose connected to a sillcock.
Place the female end of the hose over the sillcock on the wall and turn clockwise until it tightens. The female end of the hose connection has a rubber washer. Tightening the connection compresses the washer and makes the connection water-tight. To disconnect, turn counterclockwise.
2. Two lengths of hose connected by a hose bib.
Place the female end of a hose bib between two sections of hose and tighten it the same way you did when you connected the hose to the wall faucet.
3. Attach the drain hose to a hose bib on the boiler the same way you do for a sillcock or the connection between hoses. Do not screw the female connection on any harder than is necessary to get a drip-free connection. If you cinch it too tightly you can damage the interior washer.
Tags: connected hose, female connection, female hose, connection female, connection female connection, garden hose, hose connected