Tuesday 9 June 2015

Do A Footprint Test

Do a Footprint Test

Did you know that certain shoes are designed to make walking and running easier, depending on the arch of your foot? It is important to know what type of foot arch you have, in order to pick out the footwear that was designed for you. Follow these easy steps to perform the footprint test to determine the arch of your foot. Then, you can easily pick out the footwear that is designed for you. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Place a large piece of paper or cardboard on a flat surface. The kitchen floor or an even sidewalk will work fine.

2. Dip the bottom of your foot in water. Place your foot on the cardboard and step as you would if you were walking normally.

3. Decide if you have flat feet. If you have a flat foot, your footprint will show almost no visible arch from the toe to the heel. Your footprint may even show signs of an outward curve.

4. Figure out if your foot has a normal arch. A normal footprint will have a minor arch to it, but the inward arch will be no more than 3/4 of an inch at the greatest point.

5. Find out if your foot has a high arch. If the middle of your footprint is very skinny, this means you have a high arch.

6. Decide what kind of shoes to buy. If you are flat-footed, purchase shoes that help with stability. If you have a high arch in your foot, buy flexible shoes with a soft midsole. If your foot has a normal arch, avoid shoes that are designed for flat feet or for high arches.

Tags: your foot, arch your, arch your foot, high arch, that designed, flat feet, foot normal