Monday 2 November 2015

Count The Body Fat Index

Determine your body fat index by making a few calculations.

Many people wonder whether they are in the healthy range as far as body fat goes, but they don't know do the calculations. The body fat index is determined by taking measurements of your waist, wrist, hip, forearm and your weight in pounds. Men's and women's body fat indexes are calculated differently. The measurements are based on average percentages, as the most accurate way to determine your true body fat percentage is by weighing underwater.


Body Fat Index for Women

1. Step onto a scale. Record your weight in pounds.

2. Measure the wrist. Wrap a fabric tape measure around the wrist at the fullest point. Record the measurement in inches.

3. Measure the waist. Wrap the tape measure around your waist at the navel. Record the measurement in inches.

4. Measure the hips. Wrap the tape measure around the widest point of the hips. Record the measurements in inches.

5. Measure the forearm. Wrap the tape measure around the widest point of the forearm. Record the measurement in inches.

6. Calculate the body fat with the following formula for women:

Multiply body weight by 0.732 and then add 8.987. The result will be referred to as answer one.

Divide the wrist measurement by 3.140. The result will be referred to as answer two. Multiply the waist measurement by 0.157. The result will be referred to as answer three.

Multiply the hip measurement by 0.249. The result will be referred to as answer four. Multiply the forearm measurement by 0.434. The result will be referred to as answer five.

Add answers one and two, then subtract answer three and subtract answer four finally adding answer five, resulting in the lean body fat answer.

Subtract your lean body fat answer from your total body weight. The result is the body fat weight.

Multiply the body fat weight by 100 and divide that answer by the total body weight. The answer is your body fat percentage.

7. Input the measurements taken into an online body fat index calculator (see Resources section) if you want to avoid doing the math.

Body Fat Index for Men

8. Step onto a scale. Record your weight in pounds.

9. Measure the waist. Wrap a fabric tape measure around the navel. Record the measurement in inches.

10. Calculate the body fat index with the following formula for men:

Multiply the total body weight by 1.082 then add 94.42. The result will be referred to as answer one.

Multiply the waist measurement by 4.15. The result will be answer two. Subtract answer two from answer one, with the result being referred to as the lean body fat. Subtract the lean body fat from the total body weight with the result being referred to as the body fat weight.

Multiply the body fat weight by 100 and divide that answer by the total body weight. The end result is the body fat percentage for a male.

11. Input the measurements into an online calculator to avoid the formula.

Tags: body weight, result will, referred answer, result will referred, will referred, will referred answer, measure around