Friday 10 July 2015

Find An Increase Of A Percentage

A calculator can help figure an increase of a specific percentage.

Increases are measured as a number or as a percentage of the original. Using percentages to calculate the amount of an increase is helpful because it relates the size of the increase to the original amount. For example, if ticket prices increase from $5 to $25 dollars, the percentage increase is significantly greater than a $20 increase from $5,000 to $5,020. The formula to calculate percent increase is (new amount - original amount) / original amount.


Find Percent Increase

1. Set up the formula for percentage increase. For example, to find the percentage increase from $4,000 to $6,000, set up the formula as ($6,000 - $4,000) / $4,000.

2. Solve the numerator of the equation. Using the previous example, ($6,000 - $4,000) / $4,000, the result is $2,000 / $4,000.

3. Reduce the fraction. Using the previous example, $2,000 / $4,000, the solution is 0.5.

4. Convert the decimal to a percent by multiplying the solution from Step 3 by 100. The final answer using the previous example is 0.5 x 100 = 50 percent. This means that an increase from $4,000 to $6,000 represents a 50 percent increase in price.

Find Final Value Using Known Percent Increase

5. Divide the know percentage of increase by 100 to change it to a decimal. For example, if the percent increase is 23, calculate 23 / 100 for a result of 0.23.

6. Multiply the percentage expressed as a decimal by the original amount to find the amount of the increase. For example, if the increase is 23 percent and the original value is 300, multiply 300 by 0.23 to get 69.

7. Add the percentage increase to the original amount to find the final value after the percentage increase. In this example, add 69 to 300 to find that 300 becomes 369 after a 23 percent increase.

Tags: percentage increase, original amount, increase from, percent increase, previous example, amount find, amount increase