Monday 3 August 2015

Do Cardio Training

Exercise in the "cardio" category increases the heart rate. In turn, it steps up blood flow to increase the amount of oxygen to the brain, muscles and other body tissues. Cardio helps us build endurance so that our bodies work more efficiently under stress. As a result, we improve endurance and stamina with regular cardio workouts.


1. Work with a trainer to create a reasonable workout plan with sufficient cardio activity. Create goals that are suitable and healthy. Be sure to stretch and warm-up before any workout.

2. Workout on the stair-climber to increase flexibility with the repeated movements. Adjust the machine to increase resistance and adjust the angle in the cross ramp to heighten the challenge of the workout.

3. Run on the treadmill. Use the console features to enter personal data and keep a running tally of mileage and calories burned. Start slowly and increase the speed and incline to maintain the challenge of the workout.

4. Choose a rear-drive elliptical trainer for the most-effective workout. This works most of the muscles at a higher intensity than a "shuffle trainer." Select a machine that offers the correct stride for the user's height. Use equipment with movable "arms" to further increase the heart rate.

5. Sign up for a group cycling class for a challenging workout. Ride for 45 to 60 minutes under the guidance of an instructor in a routine choreographed to music.

6. Take a step aerobics class for a high impact, choreographed workout that combines upper and lower body movements. Add risers to the platform to increase the intensity and challenge of the workout.

7. Be sure to stretch and cool down after any cardio workout. Decrease the intensity by limiting the use of the arms during cool down.

Tags: challenge workout, cool down, heart rate, sure stretch