Monday 26 January 2015

Choose Yoga Poses For Flat Feet

Some yoga techniques can relieve the pain and pressure of flat feet. These poses are easy to learn, and you only have to devote ten minutes a day to them to feel the benefits. All you need for this "workout" is a mat and some loose clothing.


1. Assume the "Virasana" pose. Kneel on the floor with your knees together and slide your feet until they are wider apart than your hips. Sit down between your feet. Exhale as you sit back. Interlock your fingers and bring your arms up over your head with your palms facing up, and then exhale releasing your fingers. Put your palms on the soles of your feet and bend forward. Relax with your chin on your knees.

2. Do the Tree Pose, or "Vrksasana" pose, by standing with your weight on your left foot, slightly bending your right knee. Clasp your right ankle in your right hand and draw your right foot up until it presses against your left inner thigh. Place your hands on your hips and stay in this position for thirty seconds to one minute. Exhale and do the same with your other foot.

3. Practice these two yoga poses each night before bedtime and increase the time for each stretch. It's going to take a while for you to receive the full benefits of these poses, so incorporate them into your daily routine.

Tags: with your, your right, your feet, your fingers, your hips