Wednesday 28 January 2015

Compare Women'S Walking Shoes

A woman walks on the beach in comfortable walking shoes.

Walking helps maintain good health and physical fitness. According to the Mayo Clinic, a good walking shoe can prevent injury and keep you focused on your walking routine. Walking enthusiasts can visit sporting good stores to try on various shoe models or seek advice about the best walking shoes from a physical fitness expert or doctor.


Comfort is often the first consideration when it comes to buying walking shoes. When you are ready to make a purchase, visit a walking shoe or sporting good store and take your time trying on different models. Make sure your toes, arches and heels are comfortable. Take a brisk walk around the store to make sure your feet do not hurt when you pick up your speed.


A good walking shoe can be worn in different types of weather conditions and terrain. Compare walking shoes by the amount of cushioning and arch support to determine whether they can be worn on brisk walks around the neighborhood, on long shopping trips or on walks on the beach. Walking shoe versatility extends to the materials out of which shoes are made. Compare shoes by whether they are wearable year-round or only during certain months. Generally speaking, walking shoes made with breathable mesh fabric are suitable for warmer weather and walking shoes made entirely of non-porous leather are more suitable for cooler weather.


Although good walking shoes can be expensive, watch for sales at your favorite shoe stores as you plan your walking shoe purchase. Sporting goods stores, such as The Walking Company, L.L.Bean and Dick's Sporting Goods, have sales throughout the year and sometimes offer discounts on discontinued walking shoe models.

Tags: walking shoes, walking shoe, good walking, shoes made, good walking shoe