Wednesday 1 July 2015

Cross Train In A Gym For Runners

Cross-training in a gym can be a great asset for runners who want to move to the next level. Knowing the right workouts for your individual needs can help you navigate through the many possibilities found at the gym.


Cross-Training in the Gym

1. Write down your gym workouts. Take notes on the duration and intensity, such as how much weight, or how much effort you exerted on a scale of 1 to 10.

2. Hit the cardio equipment. If you like running on treadmills, find ways that you can mix up your workouts by increasing overall effort, doing intervals, and utilizing the hill simulation features. Use an elliptical or cycling machine if you do not like treadmills.

3. Work on your core strength. Go to a pilates class, which can help build tone and core strength---which is where your running power and endurance comes from.

Try using a medicine ball, which can be utilized with a variety of different movements to build core strength.

4. Hit the weight room. Building balanced muscles for both upper and lower body can help prevent injuries during the running season, burn more calories, and increase running efficiency. Use high reps---more than 15 per set---with low weights to maximize the benefits of weight training for endurance sports.

Tags: core strength, your workouts