Tuesday 7 July 2015

Dump A Married Man

While the decision to dump anyone is difficult to make, the process becomes more complicated when the party to be dumped is a married man. It will take a firm stand to combat the complex feelings associated with the situation. Gather your personal courage as you dump a married man and put your life back on track.


1. Leave no doubt in his mind. Explain your decision to split, along with any associated rules regarding the breakup. For example, let him know that all communication is to be stopped immediately. Ask him to respect your decisions without hesitation or excessive questioning. Don’t allow him to find loopholes in your arguments. Make sure your exterior shows no indication of uncertainty.

2. Say it with tact. Keep judgments about his family life and morality to a minimum. Failure to do so may turn the conversation into a screaming match. Maintain a calm demeanor as you end the relationship in the most respectful way possible. Remember that this man isn’t a stranger, and that both of you decided to take part in this extramarital relationship.

3. Use his situation as leverage. Bring up his wife and family if it helps you seal the deal. Tell him that you’ll disclose details if he doesn’t take your request to end the relationship seriously. Although this is risky, it will show him how sincere your desires are.

4. Stand by your decision. This isn’t the time to go back on your words or intentions. Indecisiveness will be viewed as a weakness, so take a firm stand. Block out appeals that include statements like “I’ll leave my wife for sure this time” and “I can’t live without you."

5. Prepare for the aftermath. Understand that this married man has a wife who may be deeply upset about your relationship. Although you may feel as if you owe no explanations, they may not be possible to avoid in all situations. This is especially true when prior knowledge of the marriage is readily established, or when you’re friends with his wife.

Tags: firm stand, take firm, take firm stand, that this, your decision