Friday 20 February 2015

Draw A Giraffe With Your Hand

Draw a giraffe in a few short steps.

Learning hand draw a giraffe allows you to recreate one of nature's most intriguing animals. One of the tallest mammals, giraffes have distinct long legs and necks, which enable the animals to graze on leaves from tree branches. Giraffes are social animals, traveling in packs, and also remain one of the most popular exhibits at the zoo. Drawing a giraffe by hand is a relatively easy task if you take it step by step.


1. Draw a sideways peanut shape near the top of the paper. This will be the giraffe's head.

2. Draw a sideways pear shape several inches below the giraffe's head, which will be the body. Leave enough space between the giraffe's head and the body so that you will have enough room to draw a long neck.

3. Form the giraffe's neck by connecting the head and body with a long, rounded rectangle.

4. Draw four long leg shapes from the bottom of the body. Ad small rounded hooves to the bottom of the feet.

5. Draw two small upside down pear shapes on the top of the head for the horns. Beginning at the horns, draw a mane of hair midway down the giraffe's neck.

6. Draw two circular shapes on the face where the eyes will be. Draw a short upward slanting line from the front of the head for the mouth. Draw two small circles above the mouth for the giraffe's nose.

7. Draw an oval for the ear on one side of the head.

8. Add an oval at the rear of the giraffe's body for the tail. Add an upside down pear shape at the tip of the tail.

9. Draw spots on the giraffe's head, body and neck. The spot's do not have to be perfectly symmetrical.

10. Erase any excess pencil marks and color the giraffe with colored pencil.

Tags: giraffe head, head body, down pear, Draw sideways, Draw small, giraffe head body