Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Dress For A Winter Triathlon

A triathlon is a race that include three sports--swimming, running and biking. A winter triathlon presents an added degree of difficulty: dress to stay warm while competing. The key to dress for a winter triathlon is to stay warm while not sacrificing excessive time in transition.


1. Dress in warm-up clothes over race wear. Wearing these clothes pre-race keeps muscles warm before the race begins, and during the warm up process. They can be left with someone trusted at the starting line, or taken off and left in the car or somewhere else safe.

2. Wear a wetsuit for the swim. A wetsuit will keep muscles warm, and improves swim times for many athletes. A wetsuit is also buoyant, so it helps keep the swimmer afloat, also leading to faster times. Practice taking it off before race day. Taking the wetsuit off quickly is important to quick transition times.

3. Change into weather appropriate cycling clothing, such as a long-sleeved jersey, a jacket and cycling tights.

4. Put on gloves and a skull cap. Most body heat is lost out of the head, so the cap is very important. A helmet alone still allows loss of body heat. Gloves will prevent the hands from getting too cold, since they are exposed to the wind and cold.

5. Have warm post-race clothing on hand. After finishing, change into spare clothes. Anything damp from the sweat during the race will become cold and wet very quickly. Dry clothing keeps the body warm after the race.

Tags: before race, body heat, muscles warm, stay warm, stay warm while, warm while, winter triathlon