Friday 27 February 2015

Eliminate Soreness After Lifting Weights

Within 24 to 48 hours after a rigorous workout, most people suffer from soreness in the body part they trained. This soreness can last up to a week. The type of pain experienced in the muscles is called delayed onset of muscles soreness, or DOMS. While working out, the burn you feel is caused by a build up of lactic acid, a byproduct of exercise metabolism. The soreness experienced after working out is a result of the tiny tears in the muscles due to high-intensity exercising such as lifting weights. There are a few techniques to use to eliminate soreness after lifting weights.



1. Before and after a high-intensity workout, it is important to stretch the targeted muscle group. If you are working out your arms, shoulder, or back, step on your resistance band and hold the other end in your hands.

2. Slowly move the targeted muscle area's joint toward its end range of motion. You should feel a gentle "pulling" sensation.

3. Hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds and repeat three to five times.

4. Alternate between muscle groups. If you are working out your legs, alternate between quadriceps and hamstrings. If you are working out your arms, alternate between biceps and triceps.

Cool down

5. Mount exercise bike and select a mild resistance and intensity level.

6. Ride the exercise bike or jog on the treadmill for 10 to 15 minutes. This will keep the blood flowing through the muscles, keeping your muscles warm and loose.

7. After dismounting the exercise bike or treadmill, stretch arms and legs for 15 to 20 seconds per muscle group. This will prevent muscle contractions and spasms.

Apply heat

8. Apply heating device (electronic heating pad or air-activated heat wrap) to sore muscle area.

9. Let heating device warm muscle for approximately 30 minutes.

10. Remove heating device and massage the area gently.

Tags: exercise bike, heating device, working your, alternate between, bike treadmill