Thursday 16 April 2015

Deal With Office Bullies

Bullying in the workplace can become aggressive and threatening.

Bullying isn't just confined to childhood and playgrounds. You may experience bullying as an adult in office environments -- whether from a manger or colleague. This can damage your confidence and fill you with a feeling of dread about going to work each day. However, you can deal with office bullies. Your strategy may depend on the type of bullying, the type of job you do and your company's policy on office bullying. Whatever the situation, keep calm and focused.


1. Record specific examples of bullying in a notebook every day. Write down the incident, the time, the person involved and any witnesses. Save any emails, notes or other evidence of bullying, including anything written on social networks. All of this proof may help you later down the line.

2. Speak to your human resources department or manager informally. Don't bring up any names yet, but ask about the company's office bullying policy. Explain the situation in general and say that it's affecting your work and confidence. Listen to solutions human resources provides.

3. Talk discreetly with some of your trusted colleagues to find out if anyone has noticed any bullying or feels a similar way to you. If possible, ask close colleagues if they're prepared to confirm the problems to management or politely speak to the bully on your behalf.

4. Speak to the person bullying you, if you're able. Focus on the actions, not the person. Calmly explain how the person's actions affect your ability to work and how the actions make you feel. Use your notebook to pick out a few key examples, but don't show the person your notebook or it may provoke the person further.

5. Remain as calm as possible while you deal with an office bully. Becoming animated, accusatory or aggressive may backfire on you. Though it may be hard, try not to become emotional.

6. Maintain a diary after any discussions with or action against the bully. Calmly remind the bully of previous discussions or reprimanding if the old behavior starts to creep back into the office.

Tags: human resources, office bullying, with office, your notebook