Friday 3 April 2015

Find A Company'S Trading Symbol

If you're invested in a stock and want to see how it's doing, you can look up the information online or in the newspaper. A trading symbol is used instead of the company's entire name, so you'll need to know the symbol. If you don't, it's not hard to find.


1. Go to a website that has investing information, such as Use the "Find Symbol" tool (see Resource), which offers two different ways to find the symbol.

2. Type in the company name in the box and click "Go." You will see the company symbol in the search results.

3. You can scroll down the industry list to search for a company symbol by industry. After selecting the industry (such as banking), you can narrow the search by region. A list with the name of the companies and their trading symbols that meet your search requirements will appear. When you find the name of the company, the trading symbol will be to the left.

4. You can also type the company's name and the phrase "trading symbol" into a search engine, such as Google. The symbol will be in the search results.

Tags: company name, company symbol, search results, symbol will, trading symbol