Thursday, 12 February 2015

Determine The Required Load For Ups

UPS is a private company that ships globally. When talking of the required load, UPS has a standard of measurement called the "billable load." The company provides a formula to calculate the billable load and to apply the shipping charge. Use UPS's formula for billable load to find the required load and shipping rate.


1. Package the item to be shipped. Set the package on a scale and record the weight.

2. Measure the package dimensions in inches. Take the height, width and length of the package. Round to the nearest whole number. Multiply the height x width x length to get the weight in cubic inches. For example, a package that is 10 inches high, 8 inches wide and 12 inches long is calculated as 10x8x12 for a total of 960 cubic inches. Divide the number by 166 to arrive at the dimensional weight in pounds; in this case 960/166 = 5.78 lbs.

3. Use the larger number of the measurements for the required billable load weight for UPS. If the scale weight of the above example is 6.2 pounds and the dimensional weight is 5.78, use the 6.2 measurement for the required load billable rate.

Tags: billable load, cubic inches, dimensional weight, height width, height width length, required load, width length