Monday 25 May 2015

Find A 5k Run

Are you getting what you want out of your 5K Runs? What inspires you to seek out and run these races of approximately 3.11 miles? Some people just enjoy the thrill of the run. As their sporty shoes pound the pavement and they intrepidly trek from Point A to B, they enjoy every minute. Others want to do more than just move from Point A to Point B. Some people enjoy the camaraderie of running with other people---particularly in large runs or races in which hundreds or thousands of people participate. Others like to run for a cause. Many 5K runs raise money for non-profit organizations. Even then, there are still 5K runs, combined with other challenges and obstacle courses, to wet the appetites of the most avid athletes. You must decide what you want from your 5K run before you can find it.


Decide What You Want from Your 5K Run

1. Determine if you just want to move from Point A to Point B during your run. A quick hint: there is no "right" or "wrong" intention here. That is the great thing about running. It is all about you and what you want. Ok, so maybe it is actually about you and the pavement, but it is primarily about you. Determine if this is your only goal.

2. Decide if you would like to participate in a run that raises money for a charitable cause. Even runners who just want to move from Point A to Point B may want their entry fees to go towards a charity. Determine if this is one of your goals for your upcoming 5K Run.

3. Decide if you want to intermix any other zany activities with your 5K Run. For example, some organizations host events which feature a 5K Run, obstacle course and scavenger hunt. Other organizations may feature an event with a 5K Run and after hours party. Determine if you want to add some fun to your 5K run.

Decide Where You Want to Run Your 5K

4. Determine whether or not you want to run your 5K somewhere close to your home. Many people want to wake up on race day, roll out of bed, throw on a hat, drive to the run location and get it done. This is a convenient way to run your 5K.

5. Decide if you would like to travel outside of your own city for your 5K run. This can be fun and adventurous. Is there a city nearby that you have wanted to visit? Perhaps you even want to venture several cities away, stay overnight and turn your 5K race into a true adventure.

6. Determine if you want to travel outside of your state for your 5K Run. If so, you have just upped your fun and adventure-o-meter. Many runners never think about these options. If you have the time and the means, you could combine your 5K run with a tour of a city in another state that you have never visited.

Search for the 5K Run of Your Dreams

7. Athlete Oriented Magazines for run and race listings. Some of these magazines are organized by regions; others are national publications. You can probably find local or regional athlete oriented publications at your community health stores. Go to your local bookstore and check the magazine racks to find national publications. Look for a list of upcoming athletic events, including 5K runs and races. Search the events for what you seek, whether it is a standard run, charity event or a run coupled with an obstacle course.

8. Search the Internet for 5K runs. If you want to run something locally, use a search engine to look for a running club in your city. That running club will likely have a list of upcoming runs and events. You can also conduct this same search in other cities and on a national basis as well. Do not forget that theme parks often host 5K runs throughout the year.

9. Talk to your friends who like to run. Ask where they find their 5K runs. Then either tag along with them or use their resources. You can consider joining a local running club, where you can meet people who like to run. Then, you might also be introduced to people who enjoy running charity events or going out of the city or state for 5Ks. You can build a network that will keep generating more 5K run finds forever.

Tags: from Point, from Point Point, move from, move from Point, Point Point