Tuesday 24 March 2015

Do A Snatch Lift In Weight Lifting

Olympic weightlifter Wes Barnett points out that the snatch is the first lift performed in Olympic weightlifting competitions. Barnett has a 385-lb. snatch to his credit, and this is how he does the lift.


1. Step to the bar and get positioned. Place your feet hip-width apart, with the bar directly over the balls of your feet. Set the bar right over the point where your toes meet the rest of your foot.

2. Assume the starting position. Bend your knees, lower your hips and grip the bar with your hands. The hands should be in a wide position - wider than shoulder width - so that you can do a full squat with the bar at arm's length overhead. "Comfort is the key. Drop the hips as though you were going to sit in a chair."

3. Start the lift. Keep your back slightly arched and push your feet as though you were trying to push through the floor. "As you lift off of the floor, you want your hips, shoulders and the bar to all come up together at the same rate."

4. Keep the bar as close to your legs as possible as you raise the bar past your knees. "The bar should brush your thighs as you lift it," says Barnett.

5. Drive your legs and lift your body to a complete extension, in a jumping motion, as the bar reaches mid-thigh. Prepare to extend the bar overhead.

6. Shrug your shoulders back and start to bring the bar up and overhead. Lift your elbows out to the side and keep them above the bar for as long as possible. "Propulsion and explosion are the keys as you lift the bar."

7. Pull your body under the bar when you have reached the point where it is high enough to control. This is a quick move that gets your body in position to finish the lift.

8. Catch the bar and drop under it, in a squat position with your legs bent and the bar overhead.

9. Lock your arms so that the bar is overhead, and rise up out of the squat position to finish the lift. "Once you get up, make sure your feet are on line. Wait for the referee to give you the down signal and then set the bar back down."

Tags: your feet, your body, your legs, finish lift, point where, position finish, position finish lift