Tuesday 8 September 2015

Build Up Your Typing Speed

Build Up Your Typing Speed

I have a good typing number, but I noticed that there were many that may be careless with there typing and might want to increase there typing speed. So this is for you.


1. The first thing you will want to try to do is to get you a black cover that goes over the keyboard. If you are a beginner typest this will help you to keep from looking down.

2. The next thing you'll want to do is to learn where you put your fingers in order to do this you need to know which keys are considered the main row keys and those are usually in the middle row of the three rows of main keys. Those letters are as followed: asdf gh jkl; You put your left index finger on f and your left pinky on a and fill in the rest. The right index finger starts on j and the pinky finger ends up on the ;. After you 've practiced a time or to with these keys. Go to the next step.

3. The next step in building your speed is learning the bottom row and top. Just extend your fingers across to the top keys staying with pinky key on q and pinky key on p. The Bottom row is nm,. on the right sides. The bottom row on the left side is zxcv and the top row on the right sides is uiop with the top row on the left side being qwer

4. The next thing you might want to do is to practice in your word document or your word pad document. Practice reading a sentence then practice typing the sentence you just read. If it helps spell the words out as you read them and spell them every time you do the typing so that way you get comfortable in knowing spell different words on the keyboard. I was a very good speller in high school, but it took some time to build up my speed as I think I have done. Try not to look down. Looking down will actually slow you down. If you do look down then try to find your place as quickly as possible. Once you've practiced on your own a few times you're ready to move on to a software learning program.

5. The software program like the image shown helps you to learn in a new way. It shows you where the keys go and how the keys are supposed to be so that way you can learn how someone will judge your typing speed. The picture is an example of one type of software that introduces a hand showing you where to place your fingers.

Tags: your fingers, Build Your, Build Your Typing, index finger, left side, look down