Tuesday 1 September 2015

Donate Clothes With A Drop Box

Donating clothing gives you more room in your closet.

Drop boxes allow you to donate clothing without having to go to a secondhand store or a charity. A drop box in your neighborhood offers a handy place to deposit clothing that you no longer need or want. Although you can simply stuff the clothes into the drop box, it is kinder and more efficient for the drop box's maintainers if you prepare the clothing beforehand.


1. Sort your clothing into wearable and non-wearable items. If the items have holes or signs of obvious wear, they should be used as rags or thrown away.

2. Wash and dry the clothing you plan to donate. Fold the clothes neatly.

3. Sort the clothing into piles according to their type. Shirts should go with shirts, pants with pants, etc. This is not necessary if you are giving away only a few items.

4. Place each pile of clothing into a garbage bag. Secure the top of each garbage bag with a twist-tie. This protects the clothing from weather and wear if it is left in the drop box for some time before it is picked up.

5. Place the bags inside the drop box. Do not leave the bags next to the drop box, as this can lead to damage or theft.

Tags: clothing into