Buying relay batons is a fairly easy endeavor once you know what features you need and what your options are. You may want to customize your relay batons if you belong to a spirited school team. Use these tips to purchase relay batons for practice or competition.
1. Decide on your preferred length of relay batons. Your length of batons can be a matter of preference, but consult with your school to determine what lengths of batons are official.
2. Choose your desired diameter of relay baton. While the diameter of relay batons doesn't seem like it would really effect your practice or performance, it's best to find a relay baton that closely resembles the ones you will use officially.
3. View the different material from which the relay batons can be made. Lightweight material like anodized metal can help a swift runner, while plastic batons are usually used for practice or relay games. Weighted metal batons are often used as strength trainers, stretching and calisthenics exercises.
4. Look for extra features to put on your relay baton. You may choose relay batons of specific colors or add rounded, safety ends to the baton to deter floor markings or accidental injuries.
5. Customize your relay batons, if you'd like.
6. Find a source for the batons. You can look at local sporting goods retailers or search online for relay baton sellers. You may be given more options if you decide to order online. Discounts may be available if you buy the relay batons in bulk.
Tags: relay batons, relay baton, relay batons, your relay, diameter relay, your relay batons