Wednesday 18 February 2015

Donate Trophies To Be Refurbished

Don't throw away your trophies--recycle them.

From small to gigantic, trophies come in various shapes and sizes. Once given, trophies are usually displayed for a period of time, then packed away and forgotten. Don't throw away your old trophies, or store them in boxes---instead, donate them for refurbishing. During the refurbishing process, nameplates are removed and the bodies of the trophies are reconditioned. The refurbished trophies are then sent to charities or other organizations for award presentations and various other events.


1. Wipe your trophies clean with a soft cloth or rag and pack them in boxes.

2. Seal the flaps on the boxes with packing tape.

3. Place the boxes in a dry area, such as a garage or storage room.

4. Contact local trophy stores to see if they have a refurbishing or recycling program.

5. Contact large trophy stores or other businesses that do extensive trophy refurbishing and recycling. These companies include Lamb Awards and Engraving, Awardex, Art Inc. (see links in Resources) and Creative Images (see link in References).

6. Follow the organization's directions for dropping off or mailing in your box(es) of trophies.

Tags: your trophies, away your, refurbishing recycling, throw away, throw away your, trophy stores