Thursday 26 February 2015

Eat After Exercise

Eating after exercise is an important part of your workout regimen. During exercise, your body is likely to lose important glycogen stores and result in a decrease in energy. To recover from a workout, you need to eat and drink the right foods and beverages.


1. Drink plenty of water after you exercise. Fluid loss occurs during workouts because of sweat. To replace the fluid, drink a large amount of water. If you prefer flavor in your drinks, sip a sports drink like Gatorade.

2. Plan your meal about 15 minutes to half an hour after you exercise. This time frame is ideal for rebuilding muscle and getting your energy back.

3. Eat a piece of fruit. Fruits have plenty of natural sugars and carbohydrates that can be used to replace lost glycogen as well as build muscle.

4. Add a protein to your meal. If you want to add muscle to your body, then you're going to want to have a sufficient protein source during your meal. Many exercisers consume a protein shake or eat meat after a workout.

5. Consider carb loading. Carb loading is a popular practice among athletes. The carbs are used to give the person more energy and replace the insulin that may have been lost during the workout. Eat healthy carbs like fruits, veggies and whole grains.

Tags: your meal, after exercise, your body