Thursday 26 February 2015

Eat Right

Eat Right

Eating right doesn't have to be difficult and it doesn't have to be a special diet. It can be a lifestyle, and you can eat right for life! Check out the following...


1. Eat breakfast, lunch, dinner - often times we don't have any problem with remembering dinner and lunch either, but breakfast is often the problem! In the USDA's Nutrition Newsletter, Nibbles for Healthy 6, they state that it gives energy, helps maintain a healthy weight, and gets us ready to learn for the day. Try whole grain cereals, fruit, oatmeal, or whole-wheat toast with peanut butter. Stay away from stuff with high sugar content.

2. Make sure to eat breakfast (emphasizing the above point!). An old saying is that we should eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper. Follow that guideline and it will help you with losing weight as well. Eating breakfast helps our metabolism start at the beginning of the day and helps us to not overeat throughout the rest of the day.

3. Have fruit for breakfast and an easy morning snack.

4. Get vegetables in at lunch with easy meals like a veggie wrap, salads, or vegetable sandwich.

5. Add salads and/or a variety of fresh or frozen vegetables to any dinners.

6. Slow down! Take your time to converse and connect with those around you while eating. Make dinners as much about the people you're with than nourishment to your body.

This will help you to chew your food better allowing for better digestion and will help you to know when you become full!

Talking around the table will also help you to know when you are full. It takes some time for your brain to realize that you've had enough to eat. Most of us are still shoveling our food in and don't give time for the stomach to let the brain know that!

7. Stop eating when you are satisfied. This is usually the first sigh at the dinner table. Stopping at this point will help you to stop over-eating and be able to lose weight.

8. Don't eat when you are stressed. When we are stressed we are sometimes eating for reasons other than hunger. Also, you eat faster when you are stressed and may not pay attention to your body signs as mentioned before.

9. Don't eat in front of the television. This has become more and more common. Do not pick up this trend. You will not notice how much you are eating and you may eat faster depending on what you are watching (something that is intense or stressful).

10. • Stick with the great basics. Eat of variety of food within these basic food groups. Check out resource section to find the "healing food pyramid" by the University of Michigan. It gives a great way to eat healthy.

The basics are...

o Fruits

o Vegetables

o Whole Grains

o Legumes

o Fats

o Some dairy

o Some lean meats

11. Give meal planning a try! This allows you to plan ahead to eat healthy. Check out the resource section for information on meal planning and to get your ready made meal plan today!

Tags: will help, Check resource, Check resource section, doesn have, help know