Monday 23 February 2015

Dress For A Marathon

What you wear for the 26.2-mile marathon is an important part of running the race. The right clothes should keep you comfortable; the wrong clothes can ruin your experience.


1. Be prepared for any weather. Consider not only the time of year, but the time of day and the time it will take you to complete the race.

2. Dress in layers so you'll be able to shed clothing after you warm up.

3. Bring something to throw away. It's easiest to toss clothing you wear while waiting to start or after warming up. Some big races collect the clothing for charity.

4. Wear performance clothing. Invest in state-of-the-art running gear. The materials facilitate the most comfortable wear for all levels of runners.

5. Be creative. Try donning an easily disposed large, plastic garbage bag to stay warm before the race, or put disposable long socks over your arms with a T-shirt. Or try wearing a long-sleeved shirt over a T-shirt.

6. Remember the extremities. Most of the body's heat is lost through the head. Wear a hat and/or gloves for maximum warmth.
