Friday 20 February 2015

Draw A Giraffe For Kids

Draw a simple giraffe using a variety of shapes.

However, if you take it step by step, then you can complete a picture of a giraffe in a short amount of time.It always helps to pay attention to the details when drawing. The more details you add, the better your picture will be.


1. Start by drawing the body, or trunk of the giraffe. Draw a sideways rectangle, only make the corners of the rectangle round instead of pointed. Erase the top, left corner of the rectangle. This is where the giraffe neck will start.

2. Draw two lines up from the open corner on the body of the giraffe. This creates a neck. Make the lines slightly closer together at the end of the neck where the head is going to be.

3. Create the giraffe head by drawing a vase shape. It's like an oval, only the bottom of the oval should be smaller, like the neck on a flower vase. This creates the nose and mouth of the giraffe. The giraffe head will be turned toward you, looking directly at you.

4. Add two ears, and two small horns on the giraffe head. The ears are on the side of the head, while the horns set directly on top of the head. Add eyes and nostrils to the giraffe face.

5. Make four legs at the bottom of the trunk of the giraffe. Just four straight legs are fine. Make the knees a bit wider, almost like a circle. This creates a "knobby knee" effect. Draw hooves for the feet.

6. Go back and add the details to the giraffe. Add spots, a tail and darken in the hooves and spots using a pencil.

Tags: giraffe head, This creates, trunk giraffe