Friday 13 February 2015

Develop Your Own Film

Developing your own film can be fun and save you time and money. The job you do could be comparable to most labs. Since it’s your project, you’ll take extra care.


Preparing the Film

1. Create an inventory of the supplies you’ll need.

2. Enter a room that will not leak light when you close the door or use a film black bag.

3. Arrange the equipment you’ll need to load the film onto the reel before you turn off the lights and close the door.

4. Use a bottle opener to open the film canister.

5. Remove the film from the canister, cut off the leader portion, pick up the reel and place the film in the reel tabs and roll.

6. Place the reel into the film tank and put the lid on tight. Leave the room.

7. Use water to pre-soak the film for 1 minute and pour off.

Developing The Film

8. Pour the diluted developer mix into the tank and shake the tank 15 seconds for every minute while it’s in the solution.

9. Pour out the developer and pour in the stop bath solution or water. Shake for 1 minute non stop.

10. Pour out the stop bath and add the fixer solution. Shake every 15 seconds for every minute then pour off.

11. Remove the film from the tank and wash in water for 10 minutes.

12. Pull the reel apart by twisting.

13. Place the film clips on both ends of the film and hang in a drying cabinet for 45 minutes.

Tags: close door, every minute, film from, Remove film, Remove film from