Sunday 15 February 2015

Diet While Lifting Weights

When you are lifting weights to build strength, you will also burn calories and lose fat. In order to take advantage of the work you are doing when lifting weights, you need to make changes in your diet. The more healthy fuel you put in your body, the more impact the weight lifting will have on the way you look and feel. In order to take advantage of the work you are doing you need to eat healthfully and drink water.


1. Stop eating junk foods, fast foods, fatty foods and fried foods. Take a good look at your diet and think carefully about the foods you put into your body. You want to stay away from fat and saturated fat. Fast food is generally high in saturated fats and is difficult to burn through the digestive process when you are lifting weights.

2. Eat white meat chicken and fish instread of red meats. Breaking the red meat habit can be difficult. Red meats are high in protein but they are also very high in fats. Limit your intake to no more than one 6 oz. portion of red meat per week. Consume white meat chicken and fish as your primary source of proteins.

3. Eat at least two portions of fresh vegetables and one portion of fresh fruit every day. Canned vegetables and jarred fruit are not bad for you, but they don't give your body as many vitamins as fresh fruit does. Any fresh vegetable is good to eat, but among the best vegetables when you are trying to look and feel better are bell peppers, broccoli, eggplant, kale, spinach and tomatoes. The group of best fruits include apples, bananas, blueberries, grapefruit, oranges, pears, strawberries and watermelon.

4. Stay away from high-calorie deserts. This can be difficult for many people who love sweets. But cakes, pies, cookies and ice cream are not worth it if you are making the effort to look and feel better. Also, stay away from carbonated and sugared beverages. If you like to drink alcohol, the goal is to drink one bottle of beer or one glass of wine per day, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in a May 1996 study.

5. Drink 64 oz. of water every day. Not only will water help your digestive system and help you to eliminate the toxins in your system, water is a great lubricant for your muscles, joints and tendons. Drinking enough water will help you reach your maximums when lifting weights.

Tags: lifting weights, away from, look feel, your body, advantage work, advantage work doing, chicken fish