Monday 16 February 2015

Display Running Medals

Your hard-earned running medals are an important part of your life and can serve to keep you in shape and act as a reminder of your hard work and dedication. Displaying them is easy and effective, especially if done well. There are several ways to display your running medals--depending on your budget--but the most economical and aesthetically pleasing method is mounting them in large picture frames. If you have a lot of medals, think about separating them by year or event and putting them in different frames. Or you could buy one huge frame and put them all in the same one. It's up to you. Does this Spark an idea?


1. Purchase a picture frame or multiple picture frames that best fit the decor of the room where you will be hanging the display. For a more rustic feel, a stained natural finish might be the best option. For a sleek, modern feel, a solid black frame might fit well.

2. Take the frame apart and position each medal. Some people like to display the neck ribbons that came with each medal, some people don't. Folding the ribbons under each medal will save you room and allow you to place more medals in each frame.

3. Tack each medal to the frame's backboard once you've positioned them. Use a nail or thumb tack to pin each medal. The tack isn't going to be holding the full weight of the medal; it's more of a precaution in case the frame loosens. The medal will be sandwiched between the glass and the backboard.

4. Clean the glass on the frame and hang the frame on the wall. Step back and enjoy your running medals.

Tags: each medal, medal will, picture frames, running medals, your running